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GamerAndy LiveWe are back with another episode of GamerAndy Live! This week GamerAndy, GamerEdie, and Gear Live‘s Andru Edwards are behind the mic, bringing you a fresh dose of this week’s gaming news. Be sure to hit us up on the forums and let us know what you think.


  • A recent ruling by the Copyright Royalty Board threatens Internet radio and independent musicians by increasing costs to webcasters by 1,200 percent retroactively…and even for non-RIAA music. Please send a letter to your representatives to help reevaluate this Draconian and dangerous decision!
  • Sony throws party to celebrate God of War II. Great. The centerpiece of this event? A partially decapitated goat—and guests are invited to reach into the still-warm body, grab handfuls of offal and eat it. Good lord, what were they thinking?!? (Warning: Photo slightly NSFW in the United States for slight nippleage.)
  • Edie discusses the relative difference of “titties,” “boobies,” “boobs,” and “tits.” Andy defines “gazongas.”
  • The Xbox 360 Elite: Does Andru care? Does Edie?
  • Hironobu Sakaguchi (Red Racer, Final Fantasy) + Ken Kutaragi = BFF? Apparently not.
  • Speaking of Krazy Ken: He’s gone. Sony doesn’t want him, and neither does Nintendo, apparently. Sayonara, Sony! Konnichiwa, Mickey-Dees!
  • Andy goes into more detail about his recent PS3 purchase… and it’s not pretty. Andru and Edie also discuss the possibilities for Playstation Home, both pros and cons.
  • Edie still hearts her PS2, and Bully.
  • Andy rails about Kotaku’s recent habit of using countless internal search links in their stories—frustrating as hell, he says.

Gallery: GamerAndy Live! Episode 79: Sony Happy Goat Time


Gamer Andy LiveHi there folks, Andy here of GamerAndy Live! As the new kid on the block here at PlayFeed and Gear Live, I’m happy to be bring you episode 78 of our little exodus into the gaming stratosphere.  Along the way you’ll be bumrushed by by the astral maurader known as “Edie” and the cosmic butt-pirate called George.  Our topics are many and varied.  Our methods are uncoventional.  Our show is Uncensored. Very uncensored.

If you’re new to the show, then don’t let talk of the Bloodthirsty Macarena(tm) throw you off - Listen in for a few shows and you’ll be able to proudly claim “I am the master of Chapple Banditry!” along with our Hardcores currently residing in the forums

With that said, I’m warning you right now Big spoiler in this episode - NAZIS LOSE!


In the GamerAndy Live! Mailbag:

  • What the hell is Tom Clancy’s End Wars?
  • Any news on Fable 2?
  • Mass Effect delayed?
  • What do you think about the Silent Hill 5 interview?
  • Is the market ready for the next big MMORPG? Yes. Is it Lord of the Rings Online? No.
  • Sony Online Entertainment nukes accounts of lazy Star Wars Galaxies players
  • Kane and Lynch, Crossfire not XBox 360 exclusives anymore
  • 80GB PS3 Rumor

Everybody loves Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles...

Gallery: GamerAndy Live! Episode 78: SPOILER: Nazi’s Lose

Dragon Quest XI Website Kotaku is indicating that in contrast to past shows, Nintendo will be exhibiting at the upcoming Tokyo Game Show. Typically the company has maintained its own separate shows, preferring to have an exclusive arena to advertise their upcoming software and hardware. This year, though, will apparently bring Nintendo to the show floor; according to Kotaku, the company is committing to this presence largely due to Square Enix showing off Dragon Quest IX for the Nintendo DS. This huge event, apparently, is enough to overcome Nintendo’s general avoidance of the show; having Nintendo and the latest Dragon Quest at the show may mean mayhem for show attendees.

Read More | Kotaku

Gallery: Nintendo To Have Booth At Tokyo Game Show

FF XIII ArtDo you hear that? That muffled, banging sound? Yep, that’s the sound of yet another nail being driven into the PS3’s coffin. With Devil May Cry 4, Ace Combat, Grand Theft Auto, and Assassin’s Creed now non-exclusive (am I missing any more??!), and with the fairly lackluster launch of the PS3 in Europe, the 360 must be looking pretty good as a platform of choice for next-gen developers. Sony appears to be in such a pickle that even SCEE Vice President Georges Fornay has said that the exclusivity of system-seller Final Fantasy XIII is now up in the air.

Roughly translated by Google, a Jeux-France article quotes Fornay:

(Lastly, for Final Fantasy XIII, I can say to you that exclusiveness is under discussion).

My guess is that Microsoft has found itself in a good bargaining position and has been pressing their argument for non-exclusivity on game developers. And with next-gen development costs soaring, going multi-platform must be sounding like a progressively better idea to publishers and developers alike. We’ll wait for the Metal Gear Solid non-exclusivity announcement, and then I’m going to count the PS3 as officially dead.

Read More | Jeux-France

Gallery: Final Fintasy XIII Exclusivity “Under Discussion”

Limited Edition Rev Wings DS

With a new release in the Final Fantasy franchise hitting the DS comes another limited edition DS bundle. When Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings launches for the DS in Japan on April 26th, a special limited edition package including a laser etched Nintendo DS and the game will be available, selling for 21840 Yen, about $180 US. So, Japan gets yet another limited quantity release of the DS tied to a highly anticipated release, while other territories have to deal with the small color selection available. Expect huge lines in Japan for this release; Revenant Wings may be even more popular than the Final Fantasy III and Nintendo DS combination.

Read More | Famitsu

Gallery: Limited Edition Revenant Wings DS Announced

Crystal Chronicles Ring of FateSquare Enix has continued to offer the trailers from the recent Jump Festa online, this time with a video sampling of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fate for the DS. The trailer largely focuses on in-game play mechanics versus the larger balance of pre-rendered video for Revenant Wings. The images of the new game look well-detailed for a Nintendo DS game, and the trailer shows off multiple characters. The game will support local ad hoc wireless support, but does not feature full Nintendo Wi-Fi connectivity.

Read More | Square Enix Japan

Gallery: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fate Trailer Online

Dragon Quest XI The announcement that the latest entry in the Dragon Quest series would not take place on a traditional console but instead the Nintendo DS shook up Japanese fans. Famitsu magazine has polled both magazine readers and retailers to get their opinions of the shift, and Insert Credit has a detailed summary of the overall reaction. In the Famitsu poll, 40.3% of readers asked were excited by the idea of having Dragon Quest XI on the handheld, but 46% had a negative opinion. Even more reacted negatively to the action-based battle changes in the RPG. Retailers were more on the positive side; this might be a reflection of the mainstream opinion, and not the hard core. Insert Credit also details the specific comments from magazine readers, and the span of opinions is interesting. Despite the negative reaction from fans, though, Dragon Quest XI is still likely to be a huge seller in Japan.

Read More | Insert Credit

Gallery: Japanese React To Dragon Quest XI Announcement

Final Fantasy XII Revenant WingsSquare-Enix has placed a new trailer for Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings for the DS online. There is a small streaming version on the main page of their Revenant Wings site, but inside the trailers section is a larger streaming video. The trailer includes a fair amount of pre-rendered footage, but gamers can also get a glimpse at some of the in-game video, including combat sequences. The trailer was shown previously at the Jump Festa 2007 event in Japan.

Read More | Square Enix Japan

Gallery: Square Offers New Final Fantasy XII DS Trailer

Dragon Quest XISquare Enix recently held a press conference to detail the next iteration in the Dragon Quest series. IGN reports that the company has announced that Dragon Quest XI will be the first in the franchise to appear on a handheld system, the Nintendo DS. According to IGN, the full title will be Dragon Quest 9: Hoshizora no Mamoribito or Dragon Quest 9: Protectors of the Sky. Gamers were assured that the title would not be a side-story, and the pedigree of the development staff would seem to bear that out. Level 5, developer of Dragon Quest VIII, is developing the new game, and series creator Yuji Horii is overseeing the title. Kouichi Sugiyama will once again provide the music for the game. Overall, this is a huge announcement for the DS; the Dragon Quest series is immensely popular in Japan, and the safe platform for the game would have been the Playstation 2, like its predecessor. Announcing the next release in the series for the Nintendo DS shows just how popular the handheld has gotten in Japan.

Read More | IGN

Gallery: Dragon Quest XI To Be On Nintendo DS

Final Fantasy XII ScanFollowing the massive sales success of Final Fantasy III for the Nintendo DS comes confirmation from Famitsu that a Final Fantasy XII spin-off is being targeted for the handheld. Go Nintendo managed to get a scan from the latest issue, showing a new game called Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wing for the DS. According to reports, the game will focus on the main character from the main game, Vaan.

Read More | Go Nintendo

Gallery: Final Fantasy XII Spin-off Confirmed For Nintendo DS
